The Radnor Memorial Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1892 to provide library services to the citizens of Radnor Township. Between 65-70% of the Library’s budget comes from the township each year and just under 10% is received from the state of Pennsylvania. The Library must raise the remainder of its operating budget from supporters like you.
Donate to Our General Operating Fund

Donations to our Annual Fund help support the daily operations of the library and are essential to sustaining library services each and every day.
To make an online contribution CLICK HERE.
Donate by Cash or Check: If you wish to send a check or cash, you can download this donation form and mail it along with your gift to the library.
Donate in Memory of, in Honor of, or in Celebration of
If you wish to make a donation in memory of someone or in someone’s honor, you can make note of this on the credit card form or you can send in your donation along with this form. If you supply the information to us, notice of your gift will be sent to the family. Please send checks to Radnor Memorial Library, 114 West Wayne Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087.
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer matching gifts programs for donations made by employees to eligible organizations, such as Radnor Memorial Library. To learn if your company or your spouse’s company participates in a matching gift program, please reach out to your Human Resources department. The Library’s EIN number is 23-1352225.
Additional Ways to Support the Library
EITC & Corporate Sponsorships: RML is an eligible Education Improvement Organization (EIO) for businesses that participate in the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credit program. RML also welcomes gifts from Corporate Sponsors for special events such as Elves for the Shelves and other fundraising activities. Please contact RML to inquire.
Gifts of Securities: A gift of stocks or ETFs are an excellent way to leverage your contribution to the Library and may provide special tax advantages to you. Giving appreciated stock that you have held for more than a year allows you to claim a charitable tax deduction and saves you capital gains tax on the sale of the stock. If you are interested in making a gift of securities, please contact Joyce Platfoot, RML Executive Director, at with the following information before initiating your transfer:
- Security Type
- Number of Shares
- Direction of Gift
IRA Charitable Contributions: Donors over 70 ½ can make Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an IRA to the Radnor Memorial Library. A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year and excludes the amount donated from taxable income.
Planned Gifts: A gift through your will or living trust can continue your support for Radnor Memorial Library for the next generation. Your estate attorney, accountant, or financial advisor can provide you with more details on planned giving.
Other Avenues of Support
Donate Books and Other Materials: Book donations are accepted by the Friends of the Library to be resold at the biannual book sales. All proceeds benefit the Library. Book donations can be made on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 AM and 1 PM in the lower level Twice Read Tales room. Donations are not accepted in May and October. If you need to make a special arrangement, please contact us at Please do not leave donations at the door of the Library or in the book return bins.