Masks are currently required for all visitors ages 2 and older.
Masking is not required at in-person outdoor programming. Social distancing will be practiced.
Limited, socially distanced seating for work or study is available. Meeting rooms are not available at this time. Chairs, benches & toys are stowed away for now. Group gatherings are not permitted.
Eating is not permitted inside the building.
Kids between the ages of 0 and 5th grade must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Middle schoolers in 6th grade and older may visit unattended.
We appreciate your support for our efforts to keep everyone safe!
August 6, 2021
Safety Guidelines for Indoor Programs
The following guidelines will be in place for any indoor program that we offer.
- Masking is required for all participants ages 2 and up (except for those with an exemption as outlined by the state and the CDC).
- All presenters for children’s programming will be vaccinated.
- Presenters may remove their mask in order to be heard and understood, but will stay six feet from the audience when doing so.
- Chairs will be spaced three-six feet apart for adult programs. Children and family units will be spaced six feet apart.
- Occupancy will be reduced to accommodate tables, strollers, etc. if necessary.
- Advance registration will be required.
- The Winsor Room fire exit door will be open, weather permitting.
- Six foot tables will be spaced at an appropriate distance and occupied by a maximum of two people – one at either end.
- Food will not be provided for participants. Small water bottles may occasionally be provided.
- Carpet squares will be placed around the room at story-times or family programs to designate socially-distanced spots for family units.
- Materials for youth programming will not be shared – the library will provide enough materials so every participant has their own supplies including glue, markers, paper, etc. Every effort will be made to do the same for adult programs although some things (eg. an expensive tool) might be shared.
- Hand sanitizer and wipes will be liberally provided in all rooms.
Safety precautions may be updated at any time to address relevant health recommendations.
September 10, 2021