Borrowing Policy
General Collection:
3 week borrowing period
automatically renewed up to 3 times unless on reserve for another patron
$0.10 fine per day for children’s materials
$0.25 fine per day for adult and young adult collections
3 week borrowing period
automatically renewed up to 3 times unless on reserve for another patron
$0.10 fine per day for children’s materials
$0.25 fine per day for adult collections
Must be returned to a DCLS Library
Music CD’s/Books on CD/Playaways :
3 week borrowing period
automatically renewed up to 3 times unless on reserve for another patron
$0.10 fine per day for children’s materials
$0.25 fine per day for adult collections
Must be returned to a DCLS Library
New Acquisitions: 3-day borrowing period
All others: 7-day borrowing period; automatically renewed up to 3 times unless on reserve for another patron
Must be checked out on an adult account
$1.00 per day overdue fine
Items may not be renewed if on reserve for another patron.
$3.00 library card replacement fee.
All fines and borrowing periods are subject to change.
Lost materials must be paid for. No replacement books or materials are accepted.
Children at the Library Policy
DCL Electronic Information Network (EIN) and Internet Safety Policy